English Speaking
VIVA Cerveza! established the first ever Homebrewers Association in Ecuador back in 2016. We called it Asociación De Cerveceros Caseros del Ecuador or ACCE. While we established the association, we had no intention nor did we want to be involved in the day to day activities of the association, and we did not want to interfere with membership or the way it was managed. We made this clear to all the founding members from the beginning, and explained to them that they need to organize and build the association, utilizing our experience and expertise, according to their requirements and standards.
Today, we are proud to say that the ACCE has come a long way! They haver over 60 members, from what started as a small group of about 15 founding members. They established a governing body, which is elected democratically, have a transparent system of accounting to manage the finances of the association, organize monthly meetings (now virtual), and are also involved in local regulatory activities. They hosted their first ever Beer Competition in Sept 2020, and continue to grow leaps and bounds supporting homebrewers and commercial brewers alike.
You can find information on joining the ACCE here – this is 100% completely in Spanish group. While many do speak English, everything is organized in spanish.
ACCE (Spanish) – https://cerveceroscaseros.ec
ENGLISH Speaking Group
This brings us to the H.A.E. – Ecuador’s FIRST English Speaking Homebrewers Association.
As more and more English speaking expats arrive in the country to visit, live, contribute, retire, and many with an interest, background, and knowledge in brewing / fermenting beverages / distilling / wine making, we’ve decided it was time to launch an English Speaking Homebrewers Association.
For now, we are organizing this as more of an special interest group, and not so much as an ‘officially registered’ association within the Country, mainly due to the fact that as expats, our time here can range from a few months to a few years.
If your interested in joinging the H.A.E., please fill out the following form. Please note that we are not very organized at the moment, other than a Whatsapp group where we talk about our homebrewing batches, resources, and events where we get together and try each other’s brews. We welcome all types of brewers from all sorts of fermented beverages – alcoholic and non-alcoholic. While the bulk of us love to make beer, there are some which produce meads and ciders and even wine and distilled spirits. Please keep an open mind and we ask that any hang ups you have, not be shared within the group. This group isn’t only open to expats, but anyone who wishes to participate in an English speaking environment.